23-27 June 2025
Lisboa, Portugal
23-27 June 2025
Lisboa, Portugal


Conference Chairs

Quimica30square6653 Carlapinheiro

Carla I. Costa Pinheiro (Chair)

Centro de Química Estrutural (CQE), IMS, Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) University of Lisbon

Ana V.M. Nunes (Co-Chair)

LAQV Requimte NOVA School of Science and Technology of Lisbon

Local Organizing Committee

  • Ana Aguiar Ricardo - NOVA School of Science and Technology of Lisbon

  • Ana Reis Machado - i3N/CENIMAT, LAQV Requimte/NOVA School of Science and Technology of Lisbon

  • Carlos Henriques - CQE, IMS, IST/University of Lisbon

  • Carmen Bacariza Rey – CQE, IMS, IST/University of Lisbon

  • Henrique Matos – CERENA, IST/University of Lisbon

  • Luís C. Branco - LAQV Requimte/NOVA School of Science and Technology of Lisbon

  • Luísa Maia - LAQV Requimte/NOVA School of Science and Technology of Lisbon

  • Luísa Martins - CQE, IMS, IST/University of Lisbon

  • Paula Teixeira - CQE, IMS, IST/University of Lisbon

International Scientific Committee of ICCDU

The International Scientific Committee (ISC) serves as the international organizing committee on the scientific direction and organization of ICCDU and to oversee the planning and execution of the organizing efforts for individual conferences in ICCDU.

  • Chunshan Song (Chair) - The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China; The Pennsylvania State University, USA

  • Angela Dibenedetto (Vice Chair) - University of Bari, Italy

  • Michele Aresta (Honorary Chair) - Innovative Catalysis for Carbon Recycling-IC2R, Italy

  • Yutaka Amao - Osaka Metropolitan University, Japan

  • Aaron Appel - Pacific Northwest National Lab, USA

  • Danielle Ballivet-Tkatchenko - French National Centre for Scientific Research, France

  • Andrew B. Bocarsly - Princeton University, USA

  • Donald Darensbourg - Texas A&M University, USA

  • Eckhard Dinjus - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany

  • David Farrusseng - Institute of Research on Catalysis and the Environment of Lyon, France

  • Xinwen Guo - Dalian University of Technology, China

  • Richard H. Heyn - SINTEF, Norway

  • Philip Jessop - Queen's University, Canada

  • Sibudjing Kawi - National University of Singapore, Singapore

  • Dennis Kräemer - DECHEMA, Germany

  • Jae W. Lee - Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, South Korea

  • Walter Leitner - Max Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion, Germany

  • Can Li - Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics of CAS, China

  • Chang-jun Liu - Tianjin University, China

  • Claudio J. A. Mota - University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

  • Ah-Hyung (Alissa) Park - University of California at Los Angeles, USA

  • Sang-Eon Park - Inha University, South Korea

  • Peter Styring - The University of Sheffield, UK

  • Yuhan Sun - Shanghai Advanced Research Institute, China

  • Ron Zevenhoven - Åbo Akademi University, Finland

Scientific Board

Will be updated soon