Conference Chairs
Carla I. Costa Pinheiro (Chair)
Centro de Química Estrutural (CQE), IMS, Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) University of Lisbon
Ana V.M. Nunes (Co-Chair)
LAQV Requimte NOVA School of Science and Technology of Lisbon
Local Organizing Committee
Ana Aguiar Ricardo - NOVA School of Science and Technology of Lisbon
Ana Reis Machado - i3N/CENIMAT, LAQV REQUIMTE/NOVA School of Science and Technology of Lisbon
Carlos Henriques - CQE, IMS, IST/University of Lisbon
Carmen Bacariza Rey – CQE, IMS, IST/University of Lisbon
Henrique Matos – CERENA, IST/University of Lisbon
Luís C. Branco - LAQV REQUIMTE/NOVA School of Science and Technology of Lisbon
Luísa Maia - LAQV REQUIMTE/NOVA School of Science and Technology of Lisbon
Luísa Margarida Martins - CQE, IMS, IST/University of Lisbon
Paula Teixeira - CQE, IST/University of Lisbon (previous affiliation)
International Scientific Committee of ICCDU
The International Scientific Committee (ISC) serves as the international organizing committee on the scientific direction and organization of ICCDU and to oversee the planning and execution of the organizing efforts for individual conferences in ICCDU.
Chunshan Song (Chair) - The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China; The Pennsylvania State University, USA
Angela Dibenedetto (Vice Chair) - University of Bari, Italy
Michele Aresta (Honorary Chair) - Innovative Catalysis for Carbon Recycling-IC2R, Italy
Yutaka Amao - Osaka Metropolitan University, Japan
Aaron Appel - Pacific Northwest National Lab, USA
Danielle Ballivet-Tkatchenko - French National Centre for Scientific Research, France
Andrew B. Bocarsly - Princeton University, USA
Donald Darensbourg - Texas A&M University, USA
Eckhard Dinjus - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
David Farrusseng - Institute of Research on Catalysis and the Environment of Lyon, France
Xinwen Guo - Dalian University of Technology, China
Richard H. Heyn - SINTEF, Norway
Philip Jessop - Queen's University, Canada
Sibudjing Kawi - National University of Singapore, Singapore
Dennis Kräemer - DECHEMA, Germany
Jae W. Lee - Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, South Korea
Walter Leitner - Max Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion, Germany
Can Li - Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics of CAS, China
Chang-jun Liu - Tianjin University, China
Claudio J. A. Mota - University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Ah-Hyung (Alissa) Park - University of California at Los Angeles, USA
Sang-Eon Park - Inha University, South Korea
Peter Styring - The University of Sheffield, UK
Yuhan Sun - Shanghai Advanced Research Institute, China
Ron Zevenhoven - Åbo Akademi University, Finland
Scientific Board
The members of the Scientific Board serve as the reviewers of the submitted abstracts, with some members also responsible for organizing the conference sessions for each topic of the 22nd ICCDU 2025.
Adélio Mendes – Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, Portugal
Ana Nunes - NOVA School of Science and Technology of Lisbon, Portugal
Ana Reis Machado - NOVA School of Science and Technology of Lisbon, Portugal
André Bardow - ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Angel Martin - Universidad de Valladolid, Spain
Arjen Kleij - Institut Català d' Investigació Química, Spain
Carla Costa Pinheiro - Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) University of Lisbon, Portugal
Carlos Henriques - Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) University of Lisbon, Portugal
Carmen Bacariza Rey - Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) University of Lisbon, Portugal
Carmen Rangel - Laboratório Nacional de Energia e Geologia, Portugal
Celia Sapart - CO2 Value Europe
Deepak Pant - Flemish Institute for Technological Research, Belgium
Dennis Kraemer - DECHEMA, Germany
Edgar Fernandes - Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) University of Lisbon, Portugal
Fabio Arico - Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, Italy
Fátima Serralha - Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal, Portugal
Filipa Ribeiro - Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) University of Lisbon, Portugal
Henrique Matos - Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) University of Lisbon, Portugal
Hugo Matias – GALP, Portugal
Inês Cardoso Pereira - NOVA School of Science and Technology of Lisbon, Portugal
Inês Graça - University of Aberdeen, UK
Isabel Marrucho - Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) University of Lisbon, Portugal
Jonathan Albo - Universidad de Cantabria, Spain
Jordi Guilera - Institut de Recerca en Energia de Catalunya, Spain
Jose Angel Irabien - Universidad de Cantabria, Spain
Jose Paulo Mota - NOVA School of Science and Technology of Lisbon, Portugal
Joshua Yuan - Washington University, USA
Juan Ramón Velasco - Universidad del Pais Vasco, Spain
Luis Fernando Luz Junior- Universidade Federal do Paraná, Brasil
Luis Mafra - Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
Luisa Maia - NOVA School of Science and Technology of Lisbon, Portugal
Luísa Martins - Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) University of Lisbon, Portugal
Marcos Corazza- Universidade Federal do Paraná, Brasil
Margarida Mateus - c5Lab, Portugal
Maria D. Bermejo - Universidad de Valladolid, Spain
Moisés Pinto - Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) University of Lisbon, Portugal
Nuno Lapa - NOVA School of Science and Technology of Lisbon, Portugal
Nuno Rombert Pinhão - Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) University of Lisbon, Portugal
Olivier Guaitella - Laboratoire de Physique des Plasmas, France
Paula Celeste da Silva Ferreira - Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
Paulo Ferrão - Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) University of Lisbon, Portugal
Paulo Partidário, Direção Geral da Energia e Geologia, Portugal
Pedro Mendes - Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) University of Lisbon, Portugal
Pedro Simões - NOVA School of Science and Technology of Lisbon, Portugal
Pedro Vidinha - Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil
Peter Styring - University of Sheffield, UK
Pilar Lisbona - Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain
Rafael Amoedo – Emissium, Switzerland
Teresa Casimiro - NOVA School of Science and Technology of Lisbon, Portugal
Jose Valverde - Universidade Sevilla, Spain
Vesna Najdanovic - Aston University, UK
Wim Brilman - Universiteit Twente, Netherlands
Local Host Committee
Abdallah Mahmoud - NOVA School of Science and Technology
Ana Inês Paninho - NOVA School of Science and Technology
Ana Raquel Gonçalves - IST/University of Lisbon
Duarte Miguel Neto Silva - IST/University of Lisbon
Guilherme Oliveira Pedro - IST/University of Lisbon
Hugo Miguel dos Anjos Carvalho Lapa - IST/University of Lisbon
Inês Andreia Simão Matias - IST/University of Lisbon
Ismayil Garazade - IST/University of Lisbon
Joana de Lemos Pinheiro Muskiet - IST/University of Lisbon
Joana Lopes - NOVA School of Science and Technology
João Filipe Pereira Fortunato - IST/University of Lisbon
José Maria Azevedo Rego Morais Pires - IST/University of Lisbon
Małgorzata Zakrzewska - NOVA School of Science and Technology
Matilde Viegas Ferreira - IST/University of Lisbon
Rafaela Farelo Silva Tenera Marques - FCUL/University of Lisbon
Raquel Viveiros - NOVA School of Science and Technology
Ricardo Alexandre Nunes Dias - IST/University of Lisbon
Ricardo Hipólito - NOVA School of Science and Technology
Rita Briz Müller Assis dos Santos - IST/University of Lisbon
Sofia Messias - NOVA School of Science and Technology
Tânia Cristina Antunes Frade Costa - IST/University of Lisbon
Victoria Paz - NOVA School of Science and Technology
Vusala Aliyeva - IST/University of Lisbon